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Man--The Deadly Killer

Even without his modern developments--guns, tracked vehicles, airplanes or even riding horses--man is the most formidable big game hunter evolved on this earth. High intellect, a superb body and perseverance combine to make man the deadliest hunter. Not as fast at running short distances as some animals, man nevertheless is capable of running any animal into the ground. He has the mental drive and the physical ability to chase an animal for days until that animal can go no farther.

Indians of Interior Alaska used that method for moose hunting long ago. Finding a relatively fresh moose track, the Indian hunter followed it, moving in half circles so as not to follow the trail directly. After a time, perhaps several days, his circular track would close upon itself without crossing the moose's trail. Then the moose was located and was perhaps too tired to escape. The hunter moved in for the kill with spears or birch bows and arrows. Carrying the meat home probably was not a big issue because, in those days, the Indians tended to follow the animals rather than to live in riverside villages as they do now.