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Solar Eclipse on October 3

A partial solar eclipse will be visible over most of Alaska on Friday morning, October 3. Unlike lunar eclipses, which appear the same to anyone on the "viewing" side of the earth, the degree of totality of eclipses of the sun vary greatly, depending on the observer's location. This particular eclipse will be "total" only over the Atlantic Ocean near Iceland and then only for a very brief period.

Most residents of the state will see about a half-eclipsed sun on October 3rd. The eclipse will begin shortly after sunrise and the period of obscuration will last for about an hour and a half. On the Seward Peninsula, the time of maximum eclipse will actually occur slightly before sunrise, but if you traveled eastward, you would see it begin at later and later times. Near Fairbanks, the first "bite" will be taken out of the sun at about 8:50 A.M. Alaska Daylight Time. Around Anchorage, this will occur near 9:00 A.M. Slightly later times follow for the Panhandle. The entire spectacle will be over for Alaska by 10:30.