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Paul A. Bernhardt
Space Physics & Aeronomy

Conducting active experiments in space with supporting theory, modeling and data analysis
Mark Conde
Space Physics & Aeronomy

Uses sounding rockets and ground-based optical instruments to study space weather
Peter Damiano
Space Physics & Aeronomy

Uses simulations to study particle acceleration and Alfven wave dynamics in space plasmas
Peter Delamere
Space Physics & Aeronomy

Studies magnetospheric physics with emphasis on the numerical simulation of space plasmas
Don Hampton
PFRR Chief Scientist
Uses optical instruments to observe and study the aurora and upper atmosphere
Vishnu Rajendra Kumar
Space Physics & Aeronomy

Studies design and development of ground-based lidar systems for atmospheric research
Jintai Li
Space Physics & Aeronomy

Studies the dynamics, structure and circulation of the middle and upper atmosphere with ground-based and satellite observations
David Newman
Space Physics & Aeronomy

Researches complex systems from turbulence in fusion plasmas to power transmission grids
Chung-Sang Ng
Space Physics & Aeronomy

Analyzes space and fusion plasmas through theory and computational plasma physics
Oladejo Owolabi
Space Physics & Aeronomy

Uses observational data and machine learning to study the effects of space weather on the thermosphere-ionosphere systems
Doğacan Ozturk
Space Physics & Aeronomy

Studies the coupled magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere systems using numerical models and data analysis
Amani Reddy
Space Physics & Aeronomy

Studies space weather using space-borne radio sounding, whistlers, and numerical simulations of magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere